Document Type : Original Article


Botany Department, Faculty of Science, Ain shams University, Abbassia, Cairo, Egypt.


Cyanobacteria and algal flora of Wadi El-Taal in Abu-Zenima area have been studied by the georeferenced field survey using the Global Positioning System. Twenty one Cyanobacteria and algal taxa were identified in this investigation. The lentic habitats of El-Diesa Spring favoring the dominancy of thick mat structures of Cyanobacterial taxa of Hammatoidea simplex, Oscillatoria foreaui, Gloeocapsa decorticans and Gloeocapsa gelatinosa. In addition, the yellowish green colored algal filamentous mat of Rhizoclonium was recorded as a dominant green taxon overgrown by the epiphytic diatom of Mastogloia braunii. The lotic habitats of El-Gowisa Spring revealed the abundancy of the cyanobacterial mat of Oscillatoria salina. The physico-chemical parameters, in particular the alkaline pH, high salinity and the lower content of phosphorus of water and soil may be contributed in the dominancy of Cyanobacteria in this area. Three taxa of Oscillatoria were identified and added to the updated list of Cyanobacteria of Egypt as new records.

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