Document Type : Original Article


Biological and Geological Sciences Department, Faculty of Education, Suez Canal University, Port Said, Egypt


The real chance for establishing and studying the benthic seaweeds communities at ElArish coast was modified directly to human activity at ElArish sandy shore.Seaweeds vegetation and community at ElArish coast were studied seasonally from April 2000 to March 2001. Eighty species were recorded from five sites along ElArish coast (15 km). These sites were found to include 28 species of green algae, 43 species of red algae and 9 species of brown algae. The environmental factors were studied as air & water temperature, salinity, pH, turbidity, pollution sources, water current, rocks and their slope. The distribution of most of the floristic composition and vegetation groups not much influenced by most of the environmental factors and seasons. There were predominant and opportunistic species all over the year. Some species were recorded once for one season in each site, then disappeared during the rest of the study period.  Seaweeds increased at the sites which overlooked directly on the sea. It was also apparent that seaweeds, especially red algae, increased toward the east of ElArish coast, so, the shore  tend to be more clearly (non polluted area).

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