Document Type : Original Article


Department of Biological and Geological Sciences, Faculty of Education, Alexandria University.


Scinaia complanata (Collins) Cotton var. intermedia(Rhodophyta) was newly recollected from Abu-Qir locality along Alexandria seashore. The alga showed multiaxial construction, dichotomously branched thallus, attached to the rocks by multicellular rhizoids. The female gametophyte carried unilocular, uninucleate carpogonia produced on carpogonial branches. Constitutive urea-amidolyase was the enzyme responsible for 14C-urea-degradation in this alga; 14C-urea transported via passive mechanism. This alga was characterized by its high protein, amino acids, fatty acids, Ash and Mg contents. It was also characterized by absence of mercury, low Ni, Mn, Zn and Co contents; as well as low iodine value.


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