Document Type : Original Article


Botany Department, Faculty of Science, Sohag University.


This Study investigates epiphytic algal flora on aquatic plants collected from different sites in the River Nile and irrigation canals at Sohag district, Egypt during June 2007. At the same time, the physico – chemical properties of water samples were determined. A total of 105 species related to forty eight genera of micro-algae were identified as epiphytic communities on different aquatic plant (Eichhornia crassipes, ceratophyllum demersum, Myriophyllum spicatum, phragmites australis). Of which sixty one species related to twenty five genera belonging to Bacillariophyta, thirty species of twelve genera belonging to Chlorophyta. Ten species related to eight genera belonging to Cyanophyta, one species belonging to Xanthophyta and three species of three genera belonging to Euglenophyta.


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