Document Type : Original Article


1 Agriculture Analytical Laboratory Unit, Agric. Fac., Suez Canal Univ.

2 Botany Dept., Fac. of Science, Suez Canal Univ.

3 Agronomy Dept., Fac. of Agriculture, Suez Canal Univ.


Three common marine algae, Enteromorpha intestinalis, Ulva lactuca and Sarconema filiformis were collected from Suez Canal at Ismailia and chosen to examine their effects as a foliar spray on the growth and yield of faba beans in the Experimental Farm, Fac. of Agric., Suez Canal Univ., Ismailia in November 2006. The aqueous algal extracts were sprayed at concentrations of 0.05, 0.10 and 0.15; each was sprayed four times throughout the vegetative growth period of the plant. The results confirmed that application of eco-friendly fertilizers, derived from marine algae, was effective in increasing the measurements of growth and yield parameters. At the end of the growing season, Vicia faba plants grown with the foliar seaweed application had produced 1.6 to 2.25 folds of the unfertilized controls with using E. intestinalis, 1.7 to 2.4 folds using U. lactuca and 2.5 to 5.6 folds with using S. filiformis. This production may be referred to the minerals, hormone-like substances, amino acids and vitamins in different algae. The present production of broad bean did not reach the Egyptian yield of feddan and this may be attributed to the low PNK in algae. The present study concluded that seaweed products should be boosted with additional supplement of NPK.


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